The Ching Family

Ah Loy Ching b.1906 was called Ai tsai, aka Ah Loy, Ah Loy Chin, Albert Ching

*Clarification #1-the 1910 census lists the Ching family as Chin in the Yau home and does not list Edith as part of the household.

Mary Ching January 5, 1888- March 1, 1965

Chong Ching July 18, 1895- August 11, 1995, aka Ah Kui Ching, A Kay

Marion En Ching b. June 16, 1911

Fannie Mui Kiau Ching July 12, 1914

Viola Yook Keau Ching b. August 23, 1908

*Clarification #2-the 1910 census lists Siu Yau as Seu Yau with no immigration record found. However, there is a Siu Yau in Kauai listed in the Hawaiian 1895 census which matches his birth year.

relationships under review:

Ching Sing Kui, Ching Kyau (marriage rec. of Yau Seu & Mary Yen Kyau Ching)

Pang Nee Moi (cemetery rec.), Chin Yew Moi (1910 census), Pung She Chin, See Moi Pang, Ah Mai Pang (marriage rec. of Yau Seu & Mary Yen Kyau Ching)

*Clarification #3- some family records prior to 1910 use the Chinese tradition of last name first, then given name; in addition, the spelling of names varies due to transliteration, different romanization, and/or guess work.

*Yook Mong Ching Florence Yin Ching b. February 10, 1903

Florence Yin Ching b. February 10, 1903

Mother of Mary Ching

Father of Mary Ching

more to come...